In most cases, we recommend our clients speak with us before contacting your insurance carrier so we may advise on potential coverage and discuss your options. To inquire about a potential claim, simply fill out the secure form below or contact us at 518-978-4044 during regular business hours.
Alternatively, you may contact your carrier directly to initiate a claim. Note that contacting a carrier directly creates a claim, regardless of whether there is coverage or a payout.
- A Central: 1-800-234-6926
- Allstate: 1-800-ALLSTATE
- American Collectors: 800-360-2277
- American Specialty Insurance: 800-566-7941
- Condon Skelly: 833-504-9935
- Farmers / Foremost: 1-800-854-6011
- Hagerty: 800-922-4050
- New York Central Mutual: 1-800-234-6926
- Preferred Mutual: 1-800-333-7642
- Progressive: 1-800-776-4737
- Sterling: 1-800-462-4661
- Travelers: 1-800-238-6225
- Wright Flood: 1-800-725-9472